A new public health and community service campaign​ ​Check. Check. Check.​ encouraging punters to play their part alongside venues to stay COVID-19 safe, has been launched across New South Wales (NSW) by the​ ​Night Time Industries Association​ (NTIA).

The industry-led initiative from the not-for-profit association will reach over four million urban patrons, particularly young ‘going out’ punters,[​ 1]​ as the first COVID-focused mass public

awareness campaign from the sector in Australia. ​Check. Check. Check. ​encourages the community to play their part to stay COVID-safe in venues with a new ‘going out’ routine:

  • CHECK in with their correct details at the door
  • CHECK their hands by regularly washing and sanitising
  • Keep themselves and friends safe by keeping physical distance ‘in CHECK’Beloved Sydney venues – big and small – such as The Winery, Earl’s Juke Joint, Button Bar, Redfern Surf Club, Bungalow 8 and the Lansdowne are backing the initiative, calling on punters to co-share the responsibility with venues for staying COVID-safe, supporting the industry to stay open so we can all enjoy a night out during this tough time.


New compliance measure for NSW venues start from 24 July (includes Comms Pack)

From 12:01am Friday:

  • Compliance measures introduced to pubs will be extended to restaurants, bars cafés and clubs. This includes:

  1. limiting group bookings to a maximum of 10 people

  2. mandatory COVID-Safe plans and registration as a COVID-Safe business

  3. a digital record must be created within 24 hours.

  • Weddings and corporate events will be limited to 150 people subject to the four square metre rule and registration as a COVID-Safe business. Strict COVID-Safe plans must be in place and high-risk activities including choirs and dancing must not occur.

For more information visit COVID-19: What you can and can’t do under the rules.

New video – Using QR codes for contact tracing here.


To combat the rise in COVID-19 cases in the state, the NSW Government has announced new COVID Safe measures for pubs, clubs, restaurants, cafes, small bars and casinos across the State. These are already in effect for pubs. They come into effect for other hospitality businesses on July 24. 

Some of these changes to restrictions include limitations to group numbers and venue capacity, as well as the introduction of Safe Hygiene Marshalls. All businesses must now register their COVID Safe Plan with the NSW Government. A full list of the new COVID Safety measures can be found at

Inspectors are visiting businesses and penalties, including fines and enforced closure of businesses, will be issued where these requirements and restrictions aren’t followed. With a COVID Safety Plan already in place, registration takes just a few minutes.

If you haven’t done so already, please register now.

Visit what you can and can’t do under the rules for the full list of changes.


With Melbourne now in lockdown, the Night Time Industries Association (NTIA) has urged Federal and State Governments to provide urgent financial support for sectors decimated by the new restrictions. The Association welcomed Friday’s announcement of a business support package from the Victorian Government, but said the funding repents a fraction of what is required.

Details on the business support package are here

In addition to Friday’s announcement, the NTIA is calling for:

  1. Federal or State wage subsidies for foreign Visa workers, who have not received any financial support since the pandemic began.
  2. An extension to all existing rental assistance and commercial property loan deferral schemes for hospitality and tourism business in Victoria until the end of the year, with provision for government funded mediation on tenant application where landlords are not passing on the benefit of those schemes.
  3. A 100% refund on properties’ 2020 land tax on application by landlords that is directly paid to affected tenants in the sector and available on direct application by the affected tenants.
  4. Blanket refunds of all trade-related licensing and permits fees by Local Councils in relation to the 2020 financial year and a refund of municipal rates in relation to 2020 financial year.
  5. Payroll tax refunds to be made available to affected businesses regardless of their size.
  6. Provide additional emergency relief grants to those hospitality businesses in the lockdown zones who have no capacity to make revenue from take-away and delivery options.
  7. A commitment from the Federal Government to extend JobKeeper beyond September for hard hit industries including hospitality, tourism and events.

Michael Rodrigues, Chair of the Night Time Industries Association said:

“This week has been a hammer blow to night time industries which have just started emerging out of hibernation. The lifting of restrictions on venues and operators was set to be a new dawn but has turned into a six-week nightmare. The cost to the economy and human lives and livelihoods will be horrendous”.

“The Victorian Government is acting to protect public health, but it also needs to step up to help hundreds of thousands of Victorians who work in the hospitality sector. Friday’s funding announcement is welcome, but it’s a few drops of rain when we need a downpour. More action is needed today”.

The ongoing and lasting impacts of this crisis are being felt far
and wide across the Australia hospitality industry. Click below to hear from the people directly affected.

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We would like to thank and acknowledge the creators of who have been tallying the Australian music industry loss from COVID-19 cancellations. We would also like to thank the Night Time Industries Association UK who have provided significant campaign guidance.

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